
Sunday 14 November 2021

Minibeast Overload

 Minibeast Overload

It had been six months since I had  seen Mini.  If you don’t know who Mini was, she is my minibeast.  She likes to be called “Mini.” Technically she doesn't have a gender since she was made in a laboratory but she prefers being female.

Anyway, I found her at the inlet and decided to take her on vacation with me.  

Once we got to the resort, we immediately went to our room and started unpacking our stuff.  Well…, I started unpacking because minibeasts can’t exactly wear clothes so that means they have nothing to pack.  Plus they store all their necessities like a jar of tree sap and berries in their pouches under their wings. 

We went down to the pool.  We walked over to the chairs and sat down. I took my eye off Mini for a couple seconds and she was gone! 

I began to search and search but she was nowhere to be seen. I then went back to the room but she wasn’t there.  I went to the food bar and she wasn’t there either.  Mini was literally nowhere. 

I took myself back to the chair. As I was looking around I saw some blue spotted creature in the distance.  I walked up to it and I looked down and I saw Mini surrounded by purple liquid.  All of a sudden my minibeast turned into two minibeasts then multiplied into four then multiplied into eight and soon it had multiplied into thousands! 

Everyone ran out of the pool screaming and crying because the whole pool was infested by these minibeasts. But they weren't ordinary minibeasts, these were POISONOUS MINIBEASTS! The only one that wasn’t poisonous was Mini but since there were so many it would take FOREVER to find her because there were thousands of lookalikes.

I paced back and forth trying to figure out what I could say or do to find her.

I then remembered that poisonous minibeasts HATE berries and non-poisonous ones LOVE berries.  I shouted out so loudly, my body was shaking.  “Come here Mini, I have some fresh raspberries for you!” 

Nothing seemed to happen so I said it again.

“Come on Mini!  They're your absolute favourite!”

Out of the thousands that were in the water Mini raised up from the surface and flew over to me.

“So… Where's the berries?” she said.

“You can talk!?!? I said.”  I was in total shock and disbelief.

“Well… yes I can! Anyway we need to find a way to stop these poisonous beasts!  Pronto!”

“You're right.  But what are we going to do?”

“Follow me,” Mini said.  

I followed Mini down into the forest behind the resort where we were staying.

It was cold and damp.  I was following her for what felt like hours.  Suddenly she stopped. She began to say something in a language of her own and just like that, a portal appeared out of absolutely nowhere.  Mini flew into the portal.  I stood there for a few seconds debating if I should follow her lead. But suddenly I got pulled into the portal by a spirit of some sort. Once I was out of the portal I opened my eyes and I was in some type of factory where there was not one, not two or three but MILLIONS OF MINIBEASTS! 

Mini flew up to me and landed on my shoulder.

“Listen, we need to get into the potion room! Hopefully they have what we need to destroy these poisonous minibeasts”.  Her voice was full of hope.  

Mini began to fly off into the distance.  I followed close behind. 

After about 10 minutes we found the potion room. 

By that time Mini had talked to one of her friends to see if they had the

right potion. 

Gladly  they did.  We ended up taking about five bottles of this mysterious

green potion. 

We then said our goodbyes and headed back through the portal, right back to

the forest.

We began to walk back through the cold, damp, soggy forest and back to the



all the Minibeasts lay on the surface of the pool. I took the potion bottles

out of my bag

and began pouring each of the bottles into the pool.  I was so nervous. 

My hands were

trembling.  I hoped this potion was going to work.  I had faith in Mini.

One by one the minibeasts disappeared as people gasped with joy. 

I was so happy. 

So relieved. 

Eventually after what seemed like many hours of work, all the minibeasts

were gone. 

Nobody knew where they had disappeared to. 

Everyone was just glad they couldn’t bother anyone anymore. 

So what happened to Mini you may ask? Well we enjoyed the rest of

our holiday in peace. 

I then said goodbye and  released her back to the inlet where she belonged.

The End.


Friday 12 November 2021

Week 4 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS

This week was part 4 of the mini steam project. 
I really like doing that writing and creating the minibeast

Friday 5 November 2021

A person in disguise

 A person in disguise

So there I was, sitting on the cold, hard gravel. I unravelled my sleeping bag and placed it on the sharp rocks.  I sat in my sleeping bag and stared up at the sky.  As I looked up at the stars, I saw the stars were aligned perfectly surrounding the moon.  My Nana always told me that when that happens it’s a signal that your Guardian Angel is watching you.   Nana never told me who mine was. 

I lay there staring at the cloudy, dark sky. 

Just like that I then opened my eyes to the sunbeams shining brightly on my face.  As I struggled to open my eyes, I saw a tall figure walking down the alleyway next to me, feeling his presence so close to me.  I watched the person walk past me and it was like I'd seen them before but I just couldn’t figure out from where. Tall, slender.  “Who might they be?” I mumbled to myself. I then continued to roll my sleeping bag back up.

I then continued to go along with my day. I walked to the park to find a strange note on the ground amongst the crunchy leaves.  I picked up the note and as I was reading it, the note slowly disappeared and turned into dust in my hands.  I brushed the dust off my hands and started walking to the nearby coffee shop. When I entered the coffee shop, the hot savory smell hit my face. I ordered my drink and decided to sit down next to this old man that was casually reading the newspaper.

“Hello!” I said. The man looked at me and smiled.

“Hello.  How are you?”.  “I’m good!  What about you?”.

The man's eyes lit up.  He then continued to say “Wow!  “Nobody ever asks me how I am anymore!  It’s never really concerning to anyone these days.”

“Well, It’s concerning to me”.  I smiled.

“Thank you.  “Yes, I’m great”.

The man smiled back at me and continued to look back down at his paper.  He looked intense reading all the latest current news.  

Eventually I stood up and collected my drink and walked outside to sit on the bench.  I sat there.  As I was looking at the ground beneath me, the exact same note swished under my feet. I then proceeded to see a shadow of a person walk past me.  It was the same figure that had walked past me earlier! I looked back down at the ground and the note was gone. I then swung out of my seat and followed the figure. It started to turn down an alleyway and just simply disappeared like the note into dust I had tried to pick up at the park.  I decided to walk down the alleyway.

My eyes began to blur, I shut my eyes since I couldn’t really see where I was going. I could hear footsteps behind me. I made the decision to open my eyes again.  All I could see was whirlpools of darkness.  My heart began to beat faster and faster.  I felt myself completely let go.  I was surrounded by total silence., quite deafening.  Then …..

Ummm Hello?  Oh yes.  Well nobody found out about what happened to the rest of the story.  It’s all a mystery.  Maybe it’s better if nobody finds out what the rest of the story holds ... a dream.  Perhaps with an unanswered ending for another night?  Or perhaps for another dream …. Maybe.  Who knows.

A narrative written by: Eden J

Week 3 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS

This weeks learning was project 3 of the mini steam LCS.
I really liked creating the art piece and doing the maths.