
Thursday 16 September 2021

Writing Week 8 Term 4

 If the whole of New Zealand became vegetarian

One night we were all sitting at the dinner table eating salad and mum’s famous roast chicken when the news came on. All of our phones started buzzing like crazy! We all looked at each other with confusion on our faces to find out that the scientists had found some mysterious infection of Delta Covid-19 in most farm animals stomach’s.  This would mean everyone in New Zealand would have to become a vegetarian! Everyone gasped in fear as they then realised what was happening! 

Dad was so upset because Mum wasn’t going to be able to make her famous roast chicken! I heard some noise outside so I rolled up the blinds to see people running up and down the streets with bags of tomato seeds, potato seeds, pumpkins seeds and more.  That's when it officially hit me that there was not going to be anymore crispy chicken 6 inch subway sandwiches and all I would be allowed to eat were vegetables! To be fair I didn’t mind that at all.

Meanwhile my brother Hayden was sitting on the couch sobbing. I asked what was wrong. He wiped a tear off his cheek so dramatically and said “There will be no more KFC!” I just sat there a bit confused. I didn’t really get the whole KFC thing because I guess it's not my favourite food. 

Soon after Mum then thought she would make a start on the dishes.  Hayden said “How could you be thinking about washing the dishes at a time like this?!” Then out of nowhere our Dad said “You're right!”.  Dad then sprinted outside to the shed.  Hayden and I looked at each other and started running after him too. Dad was searching for some leftover vegetable seeds.  Out of nowhere, Dad started saying “Here! Catch!” Hayden had just managed to catch one of the bags Dad had thrown.

Eventually we all went back inside and Mum had just finished doing the dishes. My brother ran off to his room while I was quietly patting our dog Minka. She looked at me confused because she could hear all the people running around outside screaming.  “It’s alright” I said,  “You just will have to eat vegetarian dog biscuits”.  Minka slumped back down into her bed. I think she got the idea of what was happening.

A little while later I decided to go to my room and talk to my friend’s to see how they were coping with the situation.  As soon as I walked down the hallway I heard a familiar voice coming from my brother’s room.   I stopped and put my ear to his door to try and find out who it was.   I realised it was his friend Gareth on the phone.   I decided to carefully open his door a bit so that I could hear what they were talking about. I then tiptoed into my room and left my door open so I could still hear what they were saying. Well… for exactly 1 hour and 25 minutes.  All they were talking about was how long they wouldn’t be allowed KFC!   I honestly couldn’t believe how OBSESSED they were! After listening to them for so long, I got fed up.

I walked over to my brother's room, swung open the door and said “Gosh you guys are just so dramatic!” Hayden twirled around on his chair while on the other hand on the phone to Gareth and said “Eden you don’t understand!”.  Dad ran into the room, “What’s going on here?” he said. “Hayden and Gareth are talking about how much they are going to miss KFC and stuff like that!” I said.  My Dad smirked.  Out of nowhere Dad started absolutely DYING of laughter! I couldn’t help myself but laugh too! My brother looked at us horrified! I even heard Gareth laughing in the background too!  I think he realised how dumb they were being.  We all decided to head to bed after laughing so much.


It has now been 1 year since the whole of New Zealand became vegetarian and today Jacinda Ardern had some exciting news to share with the country tonight. At 8pm Hayden, Mum, Dad, Minka andI, even Snoopy,  our cat walked over and gathered around the tv. Jacinda had officially announced that the whole of New Zealand could go back to eating meat again! My brother ran outside and yelled “KFC TIME!” Dad was now happy because mum could make her famous roast chicken.  No one was running around screaming.  I could finally have a 6 inch Crispy Chicken subway sandwich.  Yay!

Mum was still making a start on doing the dishes.


As all of this was happening, Minka sighed with huge relief. 

She walked over to the kitchen sniffing around knowing very soon she

would be able to gulp down some meat flavoured biscuits and real

meat again!  But for now it was some vegetarian biscuits.

She was such a typical labrador. 

Eating anything and everything she could get into her mouth. 

Our beautiful cat Snoopy was sleeping. I guess he was dreaming

of his favourite dish, roast chicken to enjoy once again.

The end.



  1. Wow what an impressive piece of writing you have created this week! I love the storyline and the great choice of language you have used such as "Gosh" "Swung".
    I really like how you took a very current issue and turned it into a narrative that is very creative. You have also used speech marks and paragraphing really well in your writing.
    Excellent Eden!
    Miss Hudson

  2. OMG Gareth and Hayden are such drama queens huh. Everyone would be very sad if mum couldnt do roast chicken. And i would imagine Minka wouldnt be impressed at having to eat vegetarian biscuits. Mnd you she was a gd vacuum cleaner lol. Also poor mum is always doing dishes, thats not fairxx.
    It would hae been a happy day in the Jameson home when Jacinda said that meat was back on the menu yay. I am very proud of you for writing these stories Love Nana Jan xxx


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