
Friday 10 December 2021

Week 8 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS

This week we were debating if e-sports should be an a olymipc sport and
why people feel unsure about Skateboarding being a sport. 

Sunday 14 November 2021

Minibeast Overload

 Minibeast Overload

It had been six months since I had  seen Mini.  If you don’t know who Mini was, she is my minibeast.  She likes to be called “Mini.” Technically she doesn't have a gender since she was made in a laboratory but she prefers being female.

Anyway, I found her at the inlet and decided to take her on vacation with me.  

Once we got to the resort, we immediately went to our room and started unpacking our stuff.  Well…, I started unpacking because minibeasts can’t exactly wear clothes so that means they have nothing to pack.  Plus they store all their necessities like a jar of tree sap and berries in their pouches under their wings. 

We went down to the pool.  We walked over to the chairs and sat down. I took my eye off Mini for a couple seconds and she was gone! 

I began to search and search but she was nowhere to be seen. I then went back to the room but she wasn’t there.  I went to the food bar and she wasn’t there either.  Mini was literally nowhere. 

I took myself back to the chair. As I was looking around I saw some blue spotted creature in the distance.  I walked up to it and I looked down and I saw Mini surrounded by purple liquid.  All of a sudden my minibeast turned into two minibeasts then multiplied into four then multiplied into eight and soon it had multiplied into thousands! 

Everyone ran out of the pool screaming and crying because the whole pool was infested by these minibeasts. But they weren't ordinary minibeasts, these were POISONOUS MINIBEASTS! The only one that wasn’t poisonous was Mini but since there were so many it would take FOREVER to find her because there were thousands of lookalikes.

I paced back and forth trying to figure out what I could say or do to find her.

I then remembered that poisonous minibeasts HATE berries and non-poisonous ones LOVE berries.  I shouted out so loudly, my body was shaking.  “Come here Mini, I have some fresh raspberries for you!” 

Nothing seemed to happen so I said it again.

“Come on Mini!  They're your absolute favourite!”

Out of the thousands that were in the water Mini raised up from the surface and flew over to me.

“So… Where's the berries?” she said.

“You can talk!?!? I said.”  I was in total shock and disbelief.

“Well… yes I can! Anyway we need to find a way to stop these poisonous beasts!  Pronto!”

“You're right.  But what are we going to do?”

“Follow me,” Mini said.  

I followed Mini down into the forest behind the resort where we were staying.

It was cold and damp.  I was following her for what felt like hours.  Suddenly she stopped. She began to say something in a language of her own and just like that, a portal appeared out of absolutely nowhere.  Mini flew into the portal.  I stood there for a few seconds debating if I should follow her lead. But suddenly I got pulled into the portal by a spirit of some sort. Once I was out of the portal I opened my eyes and I was in some type of factory where there was not one, not two or three but MILLIONS OF MINIBEASTS! 

Mini flew up to me and landed on my shoulder.

“Listen, we need to get into the potion room! Hopefully they have what we need to destroy these poisonous minibeasts”.  Her voice was full of hope.  

Mini began to fly off into the distance.  I followed close behind. 

After about 10 minutes we found the potion room. 

By that time Mini had talked to one of her friends to see if they had the

right potion. 

Gladly  they did.  We ended up taking about five bottles of this mysterious

green potion. 

We then said our goodbyes and headed back through the portal, right back to

the forest.

We began to walk back through the cold, damp, soggy forest and back to the



all the Minibeasts lay on the surface of the pool. I took the potion bottles

out of my bag

and began pouring each of the bottles into the pool.  I was so nervous. 

My hands were

trembling.  I hoped this potion was going to work.  I had faith in Mini.

One by one the minibeasts disappeared as people gasped with joy. 

I was so happy. 

So relieved. 

Eventually after what seemed like many hours of work, all the minibeasts

were gone. 

Nobody knew where they had disappeared to. 

Everyone was just glad they couldn’t bother anyone anymore. 

So what happened to Mini you may ask? Well we enjoyed the rest of

our holiday in peace. 

I then said goodbye and  released her back to the inlet where she belonged.

The End.


Friday 12 November 2021

Week 4 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS

This week was part 4 of the mini steam project. 
I really like doing that writing and creating the minibeast

Friday 5 November 2021

A person in disguise

 A person in disguise

So there I was, sitting on the cold, hard gravel. I unravelled my sleeping bag and placed it on the sharp rocks.  I sat in my sleeping bag and stared up at the sky.  As I looked up at the stars, I saw the stars were aligned perfectly surrounding the moon.  My Nana always told me that when that happens it’s a signal that your Guardian Angel is watching you.   Nana never told me who mine was. 

I lay there staring at the cloudy, dark sky. 

Just like that I then opened my eyes to the sunbeams shining brightly on my face.  As I struggled to open my eyes, I saw a tall figure walking down the alleyway next to me, feeling his presence so close to me.  I watched the person walk past me and it was like I'd seen them before but I just couldn’t figure out from where. Tall, slender.  “Who might they be?” I mumbled to myself. I then continued to roll my sleeping bag back up.

I then continued to go along with my day. I walked to the park to find a strange note on the ground amongst the crunchy leaves.  I picked up the note and as I was reading it, the note slowly disappeared and turned into dust in my hands.  I brushed the dust off my hands and started walking to the nearby coffee shop. When I entered the coffee shop, the hot savory smell hit my face. I ordered my drink and decided to sit down next to this old man that was casually reading the newspaper.

“Hello!” I said. The man looked at me and smiled.

“Hello.  How are you?”.  “I’m good!  What about you?”.

The man's eyes lit up.  He then continued to say “Wow!  “Nobody ever asks me how I am anymore!  It’s never really concerning to anyone these days.”

“Well, It’s concerning to me”.  I smiled.

“Thank you.  “Yes, I’m great”.

The man smiled back at me and continued to look back down at his paper.  He looked intense reading all the latest current news.  

Eventually I stood up and collected my drink and walked outside to sit on the bench.  I sat there.  As I was looking at the ground beneath me, the exact same note swished under my feet. I then proceeded to see a shadow of a person walk past me.  It was the same figure that had walked past me earlier! I looked back down at the ground and the note was gone. I then swung out of my seat and followed the figure. It started to turn down an alleyway and just simply disappeared like the note into dust I had tried to pick up at the park.  I decided to walk down the alleyway.

My eyes began to blur, I shut my eyes since I couldn’t really see where I was going. I could hear footsteps behind me. I made the decision to open my eyes again.  All I could see was whirlpools of darkness.  My heart began to beat faster and faster.  I felt myself completely let go.  I was surrounded by total silence., quite deafening.  Then …..

Ummm Hello?  Oh yes.  Well nobody found out about what happened to the rest of the story.  It’s all a mystery.  Maybe it’s better if nobody finds out what the rest of the story holds ... a dream.  Perhaps with an unanswered ending for another night?  Or perhaps for another dream …. Maybe.  Who knows.

A narrative written by: Eden J

Week 3 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS

This weeks learning was project 3 of the mini steam LCS.
I really liked creating the art piece and doing the maths.

Saturday 30 October 2021

Week 2T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS

This week's work was a part 2 of the Pahurehure inlet work.
My favourite part was the maths.

Week 1 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS

Last week's work was all about the Pahurehure inlet.
I really liked figuring out the analogue clocks to get the right time.

Friday 1 October 2021

Lockdown Week 10 LCS

This week our work was based around the "Our body". 
The maths was pretty fun to work out.
Did you like this weeks work? 
Please leave a comment on my blog telling me what I should improve!



Thursday 23 September 2021

Online Learning Week 9 Term 3 2021

This week we were learning about Health and Physical Education my favourite part was making the healthy
lifestyle DLO.

Did you enjoy doing this work?

Please leave a comment on my blog telling me what I should improve!

The day I woke up with superpowers

 The day I woke up with superpowers

“It was finally the weekend!” I said as I hopped out of bed. I walked over to my dresser and started to brush my hair. My Mum knocked on my door and asked if I was going to be ready to come on a walk in 15 minutes. I said yes.

As I walked down the hallway my brother followed close behind me.  I went into the kitchen to grab an apple.  As I started cutting it up,  my brother looked at me and said,  “You know, I really wish we could go back to Christchurch for a vacation”.  “Same, I wish we could too.  “Too bad we are in lockdown” I said.   All of a sudden a big tornado appeared from nowhere. There was a big flash of light and within a blink I got teleported to my Grandad’s living room in Christchurch. I stood there for a moment in shock as I couldn’t believe what had just happened. After what seemed to be a few hours of walking back and forth trying to figure out what had happened, I decided to test my luck.  “I wish I could go to Akaroa”.  Within a moment, a big greyish tornado appeared again  and teleported me to Akaroa! I spent the day walking around the small town in a bit of a daze.  I thought I would try teleporting one more time.  “I wish I could go back to Fiji, back to the Radisson Resort”.  A greyish tornado swirled around me.  I closed my eyes and got pushed back to the ground by the tornado. I sat there confused, so I tried again.   “I wish I could go back to Fiji.” The same greyish tornado swirled and twirled around me, picking me up and then once again it pushed me to the ground. I started to panic.   I thought I should try teleporting home but the same thing happened! I decided to search up Google on how to teleport back home. I ended up having to walk 10 kilometres to a special superpower/magic shop in the city centre of Christchurch.  The shop was called “The Magic Shop” and it was down a narrow arcade in the city.   

I was greeted by an older man.  He was very friendly and had a big smile on his face.  His brown eyes sparkled like jewels.  He was tall like my Dad.  His hair was black but it had bits of grey through it too.  His voice sounded so familiar to me.  This man reminded me so much of my Grandad Kerry who had passed away two years ago.  He lived in Christchurch with my Nana Jan. I explained the reason for my visit to the man.  He gave me the potion bottle.  It was a small glass bottle. The size of a Pamol bottle.  On the outside it said GK tele-potion.  A shiver down my spine zapped me. I asked him what the “GK” stood for.  He said it stood for Great Ken’s tele-potion.

“Why do you ask what the GK stood for?”  he said.

“You remind me so much of my Grandad Kerry. I used to call him GK. You look, even talk like him.” I said.

 “Oh wow!  What a coincidence!  The only difference is our names are different!” he chuckled.

“My GK was very special to me.  I really miss him.” I said.

“I’m sorry you’re Grandad passed away.  He sounds like a nice man.  Do you know they say that there is a twin somewhere else in the world of someone you know.  Perhaps that’s what it is! I bought this shop two years ago!”  he said.

I listened to Ken’s instructions. He gave me a piece of paper which came with the potion.

I opened the bottle.  The potion smelt like mango and pineapple, a tropical kind of smell.  I tilted my head back and proceeded to take the potion.  I thanked Ken again for the potion and said goodbye to him.   I waited a couple minutes then tried teleporting again. I stood as still as I possibly could and wished to go back home and before I knew it  a big big greyish tornado pulled me off the ground and teleported me back home.  Everything was exactly the same as I left it. My brother continued talking as if I was there the whole time.  What a crazy day!

The End

Thursday 16 September 2021

Writing Week 8 Term 4

 If the whole of New Zealand became vegetarian

One night we were all sitting at the dinner table eating salad and mum’s famous roast chicken when the news came on. All of our phones started buzzing like crazy! We all looked at each other with confusion on our faces to find out that the scientists had found some mysterious infection of Delta Covid-19 in most farm animals stomach’s.  This would mean everyone in New Zealand would have to become a vegetarian! Everyone gasped in fear as they then realised what was happening! 

Dad was so upset because Mum wasn’t going to be able to make her famous roast chicken! I heard some noise outside so I rolled up the blinds to see people running up and down the streets with bags of tomato seeds, potato seeds, pumpkins seeds and more.  That's when it officially hit me that there was not going to be anymore crispy chicken 6 inch subway sandwiches and all I would be allowed to eat were vegetables! To be fair I didn’t mind that at all.

Meanwhile my brother Hayden was sitting on the couch sobbing. I asked what was wrong. He wiped a tear off his cheek so dramatically and said “There will be no more KFC!” I just sat there a bit confused. I didn’t really get the whole KFC thing because I guess it's not my favourite food. 

Soon after Mum then thought she would make a start on the dishes.  Hayden said “How could you be thinking about washing the dishes at a time like this?!” Then out of nowhere our Dad said “You're right!”.  Dad then sprinted outside to the shed.  Hayden and I looked at each other and started running after him too. Dad was searching for some leftover vegetable seeds.  Out of nowhere, Dad started saying “Here! Catch!” Hayden had just managed to catch one of the bags Dad had thrown.

Eventually we all went back inside and Mum had just finished doing the dishes. My brother ran off to his room while I was quietly patting our dog Minka. She looked at me confused because she could hear all the people running around outside screaming.  “It’s alright” I said,  “You just will have to eat vegetarian dog biscuits”.  Minka slumped back down into her bed. I think she got the idea of what was happening.

A little while later I decided to go to my room and talk to my friend’s to see how they were coping with the situation.  As soon as I walked down the hallway I heard a familiar voice coming from my brother’s room.   I stopped and put my ear to his door to try and find out who it was.   I realised it was his friend Gareth on the phone.   I decided to carefully open his door a bit so that I could hear what they were talking about. I then tiptoed into my room and left my door open so I could still hear what they were saying. Well… for exactly 1 hour and 25 minutes.  All they were talking about was how long they wouldn’t be allowed KFC!   I honestly couldn’t believe how OBSESSED they were! After listening to them for so long, I got fed up.

I walked over to my brother's room, swung open the door and said “Gosh you guys are just so dramatic!” Hayden twirled around on his chair while on the other hand on the phone to Gareth and said “Eden you don’t understand!”.  Dad ran into the room, “What’s going on here?” he said. “Hayden and Gareth are talking about how much they are going to miss KFC and stuff like that!” I said.  My Dad smirked.  Out of nowhere Dad started absolutely DYING of laughter! I couldn’t help myself but laugh too! My brother looked at us horrified! I even heard Gareth laughing in the background too!  I think he realised how dumb they were being.  We all decided to head to bed after laughing so much.


It has now been 1 year since the whole of New Zealand became vegetarian and today Jacinda Ardern had some exciting news to share with the country tonight. At 8pm Hayden, Mum, Dad, Minka andI, even Snoopy,  our cat walked over and gathered around the tv. Jacinda had officially announced that the whole of New Zealand could go back to eating meat again! My brother ran outside and yelled “KFC TIME!” Dad was now happy because mum could make her famous roast chicken.  No one was running around screaming.  I could finally have a 6 inch Crispy Chicken subway sandwich.  Yay!

Mum was still making a start on doing the dishes.


As all of this was happening, Minka sighed with huge relief. 

She walked over to the kitchen sniffing around knowing very soon she

would be able to gulp down some meat flavoured biscuits and real

meat again!  But for now it was some vegetarian biscuits.

She was such a typical labrador. 

Eating anything and everything she could get into her mouth. 

Our beautiful cat Snoopy was sleeping. I guess he was dreaming

of his favourite dish, roast chicken to enjoy once again.

The end.


Balanced Diet Week 8 Term 3

This week we were continuing on about what we know about balanced diets. We had to make a kahoot, healthy plate, food pyramind and more!

Do you have balanced diet?

Please leave a comment on my blog telling me what I should improve!

Sunday 12 September 2021

Lockdown LCS week 7

This week we had to answer questions and make a wanted poster about a superhero,
We also had to figure out if a text is 1st or 3rd person

Sunday 5 September 2021

Should New Zealand open it's borders?

In my opinion I think New Zealand shouldn’t open their borders because it can be a risk to our country. 

Firstly, I believe that New Zealand should not open their borders to other countries because, Say that country has not fully recovered from the Covid outbreak in their country and someone from that area where it happened could have maybe picked up covid and brought it into New Zealand.

That probably wouldn’t be a big issue but since covid 19 is very contagious it can be a very big problem.

Secondly, Technically New Zealand needs their borders open because we still need to allow fruits, vegetables, medicines and more that come from/are in other countries that we need in NZ to stay healthy and well. 

However, NZ could just shut the borders for people and not health supplies and food.  

Thirdly, Keeping the borders closed can reduce the amount of covid 19 cases in NZ and other countries. 

Fourthly, I think they shouldn’t open the borders up right now because, In my opinion it's a bit too soon to judge if there could be another outbreak of covid 19 anywhere.

Say the borders get opened and we get another case of covid in our country and we don’t know what country it came from because we have multiple countries visiting New Zealand.

Lastly, I think they shouldn't open the borders because, When people from overseas or anywhere else in the world come to New Zealand they are hotel quarantined.

Everyone who enters New Zealand currently gets quarantined for 14 days. In my opinion I think that they should be quarantined for at least maybe 18 days max just to be safe.

Week 6 Term 3 Distance Learing

This week our topic was "Should New Zealand open their borders?"
I think we shouldn't because it's better for the country.
What's your opinion?

Saturday 28 August 2021

Why I think Kapa Haka is good for us

 Why I think Kapa Haka is good for us

In my opinion I think kapa haka is good for us and for our health and wellbeing.

Firstly, I believe Kapa Haka is good for us because it teaches us about the Maori culture, Waiatas (songs) and different Hakas that are of great importance to the Maori culture. 

It’s important to always show respect by participating in the Waiatas/Hakas.

Secondly, I think Kapa Haka is good for us because you can learn new words/phases and what they represent in the Maori culture.

Thirdly, the fun thing about Kapa Haka is you don’t need to have a good singing voice as all the singing voices blend together to become one.  Kapa Haka mentally is good for your mind, body and spirit.

Being a part of Kapa Haka means you are with a group of people with a shared interest of wanting to express fun and joyful energy in a welcoming environment.

Reading Week 5 Term 4

This week we were learning about Culture Significance.
My favourite part was making the Collages.
Do you like learning about different Cultures?
What's your culture?

Friday 20 August 2021

Reading Week 4 Term 3 Lockdown work

This week we were talking about if video games should be allowed at school.
I think video games should be allowed at school because some games teach 
you different reading, writing and math's skills. But that's my opinion.
What do you think? 
Should we have video games at school?

Thursday 12 August 2021

Reading T3 W3 2021

This week we were learning about the Olympic Sports.
My favourite part was asking people if they liked sports or not.
I hope you enjoyed looking at my work!
Do you like the Olympics? Did you watch the Olympics?
What was you favourite Sports to watch?

Why I believe sports is better than music

 Why I believe sports is better than music.

In my opinion I think both music and sports is good for our brains and health but, I do believe that sports is way better for our health, Brains and our body

Firstly, Sports are really good for our health.

It gives you a clear healthy mid set. Sports are also great for stress and depression.

Secondly, Sports is better than music because, sports are good for our body and our bones.

Sports keeps you fit and healthy. It's also great exercise for your muscles and it's generally good for your body to get exercise anyway.

Thirdly, Sports keeps your blood pumping and it keeps you healthy and energized.

Lastly, Sports is good for your brain. 

Sports can make you happy or your brain happy. It's also good for our brain because it has a better chance of filtering out noise and static. Sports can help you get your mind off something.

These are just my opinions on why I think sports is better than music. 

Obviously, other people have different opinions but, These are just mine.


Nelson Street,


Auckland, New Zealand,

6th August 2021


23 Ray small Drive,

Papakura Central School,

Auckland, New Zealand,

Dear Mr Tetzlaff,

I am writing to inform you about an issue with the senior school bathrooms.

Hopefully this letter will help improve this issue. I believe that the senior school bathrooms need to be cleaned or renewed.

We need clean and tidier bathrooms, The toilets are smelly and old, and the students need more privacy because, on the odd occasion you get people looking through the windows in the bathrooms.

The sink taps also really need to be replaced, About almost every time you push down the tap, hardly any water comes out. We need new taps so we can actually wash our hands properly.

The locks on the bathroom doors also really need to be changed at this point it could become a hazard. 

The locks are constantly getting jammed. A child could get locked in one of the bathroom stalls. So they need to be changed.

Obviously, The toilets and taps still work but, It would be amazing if someone did something about this situation. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

Kind Regards,


Tuesday 10 August 2021

Talking Tania

 Talking Tania
Hello Dear Friend! Please don’t read this book! Yes you! I’m talking to you! I ask a million times please! Don’t read this book!
Thank you :)
Finally at last after 2 flights, 1 horse ride, 3 taxis and an hour walk they were here!
Tania and her family were on the biggest ship in the whole world! 
It had water slides as big as the sky tower,
Lemonade as fresh as a bloomed blossom and food as yummy as can be.
It was Tania’s first day at the ship and of course she was already causing trouble.
Now you may be wondering, What could someone with a CRAZY talking addiction possibly do? Well… It's only been 15 minutes and she's only bursted 10 peoples ear drums, Which her record is normally 40 so it's not that bad. Anyway you must be thinking, It can’t get any worse...Right?
*pause* Your completely wrong
An hour goes by and Tania has now bursted 35 people's eardrums and somehow managed to push a middle aged lady off the boat! 
How did she manage to push a middle aged lady off the boat? Well lucky for you I’m about to tell you. 
‘’ Did you know that!...’’ says Tania
‘’Ummm’’ says the confused lady
Tania walks up to the lady as she talking which forces the the lady to walk backwards
‘’Ummm please stop...You're going to push me off the-’’ But before Tania knew it she had completely pushed the lady off the boat!
As the lady was yelling at Tania, Tania was standing there talking to the imaginary friend she made at the age of four! Not to mention she's now twelve years old.
Anyway Tania slowly starts walking back to her cabin on the ship. But, as she walks past one of the chefs on her way she notices that there is a big glass statue in the lounge area on the ship, She walks up to it and suddenly she hears a voice…
‘’Her! That's the girl that pushed me off the ship!’’
Tania spins around and surprisingly standing next to the lady was the captain of the ship! 
Taina tries to run but as she's about to escape the captain she runs right into the statue!
Everyone stops, mouths open wide staring at the girl 
‘’Oh, and you’ll be paying for that or you’ll be carving out a new one!’’ Smirks the captain 
Obviously Tania couldn’t afford to buy a new one so instead she had to carve a new one, exactly the same as the old one.
So there you have it my friend! This book was written in 1964 and legend has it she’s still carving the statue today!
The End

Monday 28 June 2021

Information report: Ferrets


Ferrets are about 50 cm long, To match there long body's they also have a 13 cm tail.

Currently there are 20 different types of ferrets.

Ferrets are originally from Europe but were brought to New Zealand.

The ferrets scientific name is Mustela Putorius furo 



- Ferrets live in Plains, forests, mountain regions, deserts, tundra and grasslands. 

Ferrets usually make their homes in tunnels that have been dug by other creatures (like prairie dogs).

- Eat and Predators

Ferrets are carnivores, They eat raw meat, bones, other tissue and digested vegetable matter.

They have a diet of meat/animal products that are typically high in protein, fat, low in carbohydrates 

and fibre.


- Ferrets are long and slender. 

Ferrets come in 3 colours, brown, black, white, or mixed.

They're small, furry creatures with short legs and a cone sized head, They also have long sharp claws.

Special Features

-  Ferrets are used to hunt rabbits.

Ferrets are related to wolverines, ermines, minks and weasels.

Friday 4 June 2021

Panipopo Buns Recipe

Panipopo Buns Recipe to celebrate Samoan language week


The Panipopo Dough

  • 4 cups plain flour to begin with

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 50 grams butter

  • 3 tablespoons white sugar

  • 3 teaspoons active dry yeast

  • 1 cup warm water to dissolve the yeast

  • 2-3 cups warm water to incorporate the batter

  • 2-3 cups plain flour additional, for kneading

The Coconut Cream Sauce

  • 1 can coconut cream (or 425ml fresh coconut cream, if you're lucky enough to have it)

  • 2 tablespoons plain flour for thickening

  • 1 cup white sugar


The Bun

  1. Making the batter is so easy. Start by dumping your four cups of flour into a large bowl, add the salt and then rub in the butter until the flour feels 'silky' and gets a little bit clumpy. Then make a well in the middle of the bowl and chuck your sugar in there.

  1. Time to work on the yeast. Put your 3 teaspoons of yeast into a smaller bowl (that's not made of plastic). Slowly add a cup of very warm water and stir until the yeast is dissolved... sometimes I get in there with my fingers to help the dissolving process.

  1. Next, pour the yeast-water into the flour mixture - into the well with the sugar. You should see the yeast begin to bubble up as it makes contact with the sugar.

  1. And then you just grab a wooden spoon and fold the flour into the liquid - mix it all up - adding more warm water (2 to 3 cups) until it becomes a thick batter that still jiggles a bit when you shake the bowl.

  1. Cover the bowl lightly with a clean towel or baking paper and leave it in a warm, dry spot to rise for 2 hours.


  1. When you come back to the dough, it should have doubled in size with lots of holes in it. Spread 2 cups of fresh flour out on a clean counter, then pour the sticky, hole-y batter on to it. Then you're going to fold the new flour into the dough and knead it until it's a lot less sticky because it's absorbed almost all of the flour. (This shouldn't take much more than 5 minutes).


  1. When you've got a dough that's a lot more solid than batter, easier to hold but still a little bit sticky, chuck it back in the bowl and cover again for another round of rising.


  1. This second rise should only take an hour and a bit. The dough should have doubled in size again but with only a few holes this time. On your clean counter top, dump another half cup of fresh flour because you're going to knead the dough again, but only to get rid of a little more sticky-ness.


  1. And now it's time to roll your buns. That means, cut a palm-full of dough, roll it between your hands into a short, thick rope thing, then tie it like an 'almost' knot. If that's too hard, you can always just roll a sphere - up to you.


  1. Oh wait!! Now is the perfect time to pre-heat your oven - 200 degrees Celsius if you're in NZ... or whatever that is in Fahrenheit (400?). Okay, continue.

  2. Place your buns in neat rows in a pan that can take up to 24 buns (sorry, I'm still not sure what size pan that is). Let them sit there for a while (they will continue to rise) as you go prepare the coconut cream sauce.

The Coconut Cream Sauce

  1. Pour one can (or 450ml) of coconut cream into a container. Chuck 2 tablespoons of plain flour into the empty can (or a cup) and slowly pour warm water into it - stirring, stirring, stirring - until the flour dissolves.

  2. When the can/cup is full of water, pour the mixture into the coconut cream. Add one more can/cup of warm water - still stirring - and then stir in a cup of sugar.

The Final Step

  1. Wow. This recipe is easy, but really time consuming,  But we're finally at the end - yay!


  1. You just need to pour your coconut cream sauce into the pan with the buns (save maybe a cup of cream to add halfway through the bake) then put the pan in the oven and go put your feet up for 20 minutes.


  1. Come back after 20 minutes to check that your buns haven't burnt and the sauce hasn't spilled over and the oven is heating everything up evenly, etc. The sauce should have cooked down a little bit, so now's a good time to add the last bit of coconut cream, then close the oven for another little while.


  1. After around another 20-25 mins (roughly 45 minutes in total), your buns should be golden on top with coconut cream bubbling around the bottom. Take the pan out and cover it with tin foil so the buns don't dry out as they cool.
